Role of Biztech in the Mining Industry

The mining business is a complex industry in which mining workers are affected due to the inherent risks involved. Health and Safety services in mines are important and due compliance as provided under laws and regulations is critical to running a mine successfully. The focus is always on operator and equipment safety. Even minor negligence can lead to disastrous outcomes.

At Biztech we help mine administrators to make mines safer by ensuring that workers are following instructions and procedures meticulous. Mines are physically detached and when there is a disaster it takes a heavy toll of life and equipment.

If not all, most mishaps in mines are preventable by digitizing safety procedures through the use of software and solutions that can be used in handheld devices. This is what our solutions are all about – we develop solutions for handheld devices that transmit live data to centralized computers to keep a strict vigil on equipment functioning and ensuring that prudent procedures are followed in letter and spirit.

Our solutions capture every event in mines on a real-time basis even in remote locations to act upon swiftly; this helps to monitor production, ensure that procedures are followed, audit compliance and generate reports for planning expansions and increasing production.


Biztech offer Expert Solutions for Successful Health and Safety Programs in Mines

  • Maintain a well written Health and Safety Plan (HASP).

  • Employ and empower a skilled health and safety professional.

  • Enforce health and safety standards and procedures.

  • Train all the people who work on the site.

  • Have a tailgate meeting every morning and before any new or unusual activity.

  • Practice incident control.

  • Practice continuous performance improvement in a non-accusatory environment.

  • Audit health and safety practices and procedures independently.

  • Bar anyone from the site who violates health and safety procedures.