Our Industries

Biztech in Healthcare and Hospital Administration

Biztech’s competence in public hospital management system segment is legendary. Our technology finds wide use in both private and government-run hospitals. Our flagship offering is an HMS (Advanced Hospital Management System) focusing on delivering quality health services to patients and running a hospital systematically on a scientific basis. Our HMS uses multiple technologies – Microsoft technologies such as Visual Basic 6.0 and SQL Server 2000 under Window environment. Data security is ensured through fail-proof backups to come around system failure problems. The end result is that the hospital benefits from streamlined operations, improved response rate, cost controls, and higher profitability.

Our HMS stores and processes patient data account information, administration routines and inventory updates on a real-time basis. The solution works on a client-server model with a friendly user interface that is intuitive to navigate and extract critical information with minimum efforts that help the management to take timely actions. It covers the entire gamut of hospital administration including front offices, finance, cash counters, pharmacy, medical information service, clinical laboratory, inventory control and distribution,employee management and payroll preparation. A few other salient features are that it is compatible with existing software and can be integrated to give a unified touch and fee.

Our Focus Modules in HMS

Clinical Module

Our clinical module helps doctors and nurses to keep a comprehensive record of all tests conducted on the patient (and observations made) for future reference and evaluating patient conditions. It records prescriptions ordered and patient progress during each visit. It is designed for easy retrieval as well as for preserving patient privacy. The clinical module also helps in preparing discharge summaries.

Pharmacy Module

The pharmacy Module helps in dispensing medicines and ordering consumables for surgical procedures. It is a self-contained module for the procurement of supplies and distribution to different departments. Included in the module is a list of registered vendors, quoted prices and such other details for placing orders on time. It records receipts and issues on a friendly interface.

HR Module

The HR module keeps a full list of employees and their profiles. It can be used for allocating duties and tasks individually. Employees can use the module for accomplishing delegated work and for preparation of completed tasks. The module can be used for grouping employees based on preset criteria. It is a full-fledged module providing for optimum use of people resources.

Payroll Module

The Payroll module keeps employee details such as joining date, terms of employment, salaries and wages payable and perks for which they are entitled. It automatically creates pay vouchers for the accounts department to transfer money to their respective banking accounts. It is fully compliant with labor department rules and statutory laws governing employment.

Finance Module

The Finance Module maintains all financial transaction that hospitals make with its employees, vendors, patients, tax departments and service providers. At the core of this module is a secure backup process that enables to retrieve information and account details in the event of computer failure. It can record multipoint cash receipts and payments according to preset limits.

Laboratory Module

The laboratory Module handles all procedures related to clinical investigations for doctors’ view. It can print reports on papers or send it through digital media to the concerned departments for timely access and commence treatment to patients. It can also be integrated with other third-party medical equipment software for a seamless experience.

Inventory Module

The Inventory Module records all receipts such as drugs and medicines, consumable stores, medical equipment assets such as scanners, X-ray machines, and other critically important resources. The other uses for Inventory Module include scheduling repairs and maintenance and replacement of aging equipment. It works on a real-time basis for easy location.

Security Module

The Security Module ensures that all prudent methods of the recording of details and assets are safely stored for retrieval in the future. It can also be linked with premises monitoring cameras to ensure that there is no breach of procedures. The Security Module can be connected to multiple devices to protect valuable assets from theft and vandalism.