Our Industries

Biztech in Manufacturing Industries

Biztech’s offers the manufacturing sector potent flexible and intelligent manufacturing software solutions that help to maintain quality in the entire production cycle from procurement to packaging and dispatching. It gives a new dimension to industries that focus on lean manufacturing technology using e-business strategies that increase efficiency and output. Our software and solutions are game changers that help to achieve minimized downtime and cost overruns. Enterprises can realize optimized production with existing assets for increased profits.

What makes our solutions a unique proposition is that they can be: integrated with other existing software and solutions both online and offline scenarios. Our offerings are a mix of services and matching products beginning with consulting and up through framing the architecture, implementation, management and round the clock maintenance. Manufacturing industries can leverage our expertise to improve their manufacturing value chain by using our products. In a nutshell, our expertise in e-business strategizing can help you achieve: lower downtime, increased productivity, forecasting, perfecting the production line in factories and raising profits.

Key Benefits of our Products and Services

Improves Resource Utilisation

At Biztech we understand that resources must be utilized to the maximum extent to reap benefits that translate into better products at a lower cost for manufacturers. Our e-strategists and the solutions we offer to do just this by economizing unwanted procedures, keeping a close tab at each production points and ensure that data is captured in real-time for analysis. We help factories to prevent wastages and customer returns/rejections.

Precise Forecasting

Our solutions and software are designed to give a precise forecast that enables production managers to reschedule and prioritize products on a real-time basis. The emphasis is on scheduling tasks to be carried according to set parameters. This our software achieves by capturing in the production line as things unfurl. We remove the guessing part and bring in precise information that never fails.

Minimised Production Delays

Production delays can occur due to multiple reasons such as unsynchronised outputs across different production lines. Synchronizing is therefore critical to achieving optimum finished products to avoid shipment delays and canceled orders that result in unsalable inventories. It can potentially cripple a manufacturer’s reputation and bring down sales figures. Our software capabilities offer synchronized solutions across multiple production lines so production managers are able to avoid delays.

Decreased cost overruns

Decreased cost overruns are profits that are instantly realized. Cost overruns can occur due to: sub-assembly rejections, changes to specifications and finally due to non-performance of critically important components. Our software ensures that every sub-assembly has been tested and specifications are not changed midway. Built into our solutions are lean manufacturing practices that are practical to implement on the production floor.

Optimised Production

Our software, solutions, and services ensure that only the best practices are implemented and human fatigue or lethargy don’t interfere in the raw material to consumer delivery cycle. It is practical to achieve these objectives when production is supervised constantly and at critical junctures without human intervention through the use of solutions that measure productivity at fixed points and is reported to production controllers. Biztech’s software is programmable for assessing productions without disrupting workflow; making it the preferred way to achieve rated productions.

Increases Profitability

When every component in the manufacturing cycle works with clockwork precision, the end result is high profitability; however, this is not the case always; there is always a flaw somewhere in the production that reverberates in company balance sheets. Capturing the weak points manually is not a practical solution; there is the human fatigue factor to consider, but our solutions are there to enhance human contributions and when this happens profits reach their optimum high. This is what makes us a preferred vendor of manufacturing solutions.

We Offer

  • 24×7 support, 365 days a year

  • Calls answered by a desktop engineer, not a dispatch service

  • A fixed monthly rate, regardless of call volume

  • Improved IT service and repair time

  • Access to subject matter experts

  • Satisfaction guaranteed