
Logistics is a critical function in businesses that deal in goods delivery.Logistics operation is an all-encompassing term for transport and includes movement of goods through sea routes, air, railroads or roads. Things become a little complex when goods have to transit across international borders through multiple transport systems.

Logistics generate a lot of documentation and may involve special knowledge of cross-border taxation procedures and financial consequences that are difficult to foresee. Most producers of goods delegate transporting work to logistics service providers to concentrate more on their core activities. Running a logistics business is complex and requires solutions that are easy to deploy on vehicles and handheld devices

Biztech in Logistics

Our logistics solutions seek to make complex transportation procedures as simple as possible through a centralized software approach in which dispatchers, recipients and vehicle operators play their roles in tandem. In other words, our solutions are made to provide a transparent environment over the internet that makes tracking simpler to achieve. The logistics industry can use our solution for logistics operations such as vehicle allotment, driver management, planning routes, saving on fuel, billing customers, collecting payments, buying insurance, tracking through GPS and planning fleet expansion programmes.

To make complex work simple through the development of digital resources such as apps is a core area in which we have proved our competence. Our solutions are easy to deploy and integrate with existing software. At Biztech we develop complex IT products to make running a logistics business a breeze.

Activities and Fields

  • Procurement logistics

  • Distribution logistics

  • Distribution logistics

  • After-sales logistics

  • Disposal logistics

  • Global logistics

  • Domestics logistics

  • Concierge Service

  • RAM logistics