NeoVISA – Our Mission
Visa issuing is a complex endeavor that governments find too enormous and time consuming for quick processing and issuance. Applications for visas are processed by officials across multiple ministries and departments before it is finally approved for issue. Typically visa applications take weeks or even months before it is disposed of because paper applications have to be moved across different departments with each taking substantial time for approval or disapproval.
Neo-visa is an online e visa application processing system for the government that aims to streamline the processes involved and dispose of e-visa applications in a time-bound manner without sacrificing national interest or security. It is environmentally friendly and fully online and it does not use paper. Since no physical transfer of application is involved the time for approval is vastly reduced. Our system not only reduces the timeline involved but is also secure and gives applicants a pleasant experience.
Salient Features
Centralised, Secure and Integrable
Login, Apply or Track Applications
View Visa Types, Eligibility and Check Fee
Network Embassies, Immigration Points and Internal Security with Database
Multi-level Hierarchy and Immigration Officers’ login
Biometrics Capture and Clearance at Checkpoints
Verify, Blacklist or Approve Entry/Visa
Track Multiple-Entries and Exits
Screen and Track Illegal Immigrants

Entry Point
Passport verification, scan and store
Visa validation check
Blacklist Verification
Biometric capture
Face image capture
Entry Allow or Reject
If allow entry will be stored in the database
If reject, detail will be stored in watch list / Black list
Exit Point
Passport verification, scan and store
Visa validation check
Biometric capturing
Face image capturing
Exit Allow or Reject
If allow, exit will be stored in the database
If reject, detail will be stored in watch list / Blacklist
E-visa Process
Visa is a document that countries give immigrants/temporary-visitors for legal entry and exit. Applications for visas are entertained in embassies in foreign countries maintained by the issuing country and takes time as it involves several authorities to clear the application. To cut down on processing time and relieve embassy officials from shifting the application between different approving authorities, host countries digitalize the entire process.
In an E-visa application, as against a paper-based application, applying, verifying, processing and issuance are all carried out in secure computers enabled with Neo-visa. Applicants apply through a portal maintained by the issuer along with digital copies of supporting documents. Neo-visa is a visa processing solution from Biztech for governments. Governments and applicants benefit from reduced time and fewer visits to the embassy.
Immigration Process
Immigration is a process, in which an applicant applies to the host country for a visa that entitles him to stay as a resident for an infinite time, take up employment, bring his family and eventually if provided in the immigration laws and rules to seek citizenship. Like host country citizens, immigrants become entitled to several benefits.
Immigration procedures take more time to be completed because frequently the host country will insist on special qualification, experience or skill to grant an immigration permit.
Biztech’s Neo-visa application processing system offers a unified digitized online environment for submission of application, approval, blacklisting and rejection, entry, monitoring and validating the entire process.