Importance of Software and Solutions in the Tourism Industry

The tourism industry plays an important role in many countries worldwide. The hospitality industry depends upon it for revenue and foreign exchange earnings. Decent tourism growth rate can be attained by a country only when supporting industries such as hotel and infrastructure keep pace with expanded tourism arrival through digitizing operations.

Though broadly classified as the tourism industry, tourism is nowadays being classified based on tourist interests. Thus there are special classes of tourist, like medical tourists, casual tourists, and business tourists. Tourism growth is directly related to providing online services where most of the actions are taking place. Building great looking websites and portals, promoting it in social media and giving tourists a memorable experience is essential to sustaining growth.

Role of Biztech in Tourism

Biztech plays a critical role in the tourism industry by offering IT services, developing tourism related websites and portals for governments as well as private sector operators. We also develop apps for use on mobile phones to keep all stakeholder connected.

Our focus on the tourism industry is related to leveraging and providing software assets to the tourism industry for booking hotel rooms, selling event tickets and travel ticketing. What makes us the preferred partner among our tourist operators is our exclusive domain knowledge and expert IT proficiency is delivering software and solutions that meet customer expectations. We are a multi-technology software and solution company with all production facilities under a single roof. It gives us control over quality and delivery time schedule.


  • Governments get increased revenue

  • Software and solutions help reach potential tourists

  • Tourists get instant access to places of interest and costs

  • Mobile technology can be used for staying connected with tourists

  • Publish e-guide books and information about venues

  • Help to plan travel itineraries for time-saving and discounts

  • Distribute images and videos through phones and internet

  • Issue tickets for events and book tickets for multiple travel modes